ENGAGED: Grenfell MAEP grad student named delegate to UN’s Commission on the Status of Women
October 13, 2021
Coastal Connections Podcast Episode 6: Ghost Gear
November 10, 2021Andreas Klinke has authored a book chapter entitled “New Enlightenment towards Methodological Cosmopolitanism and Cosmopolitan Democracy” (pp. 345–372) in the volume ‘Strategies for Sustainability of the Earth System’ edited by Peter A. Wilderer, Martin Grambow, Michael Molls, and Konrad Oexle, published by Springer. The volume builds on an international workshop held in Bavaria, Germany, in 2019.
Andreas Klinke highlights that we have entered a new age called the Anthropocene because human behaviour and action have deeply and irreversibly influenced the planet. Fundamental global transformations are engulfing the natural and social world. We live in a world where there are much unmet needs in the governance of global socio-material systems affected by these transformations. It is argued that these unmet governance needs justify the resurrection of the Enlightenment with special attention to a view instructed by methodological cosmopolitanism. A change in emphasis to methodological cosmopolitanism, away from methodological nationalism, will stimulate social sciences and philosophy to become an independent global force with the power and authority to challenge the pigeonholed thinking characteristic of the nation-state paradigm and construct a new cosmopolitan democratic organization of social being, both theoretically and practically. To this end, this book chapter substantiates three major dimensions of methodological cosmopolitanism that are indispensable to understand and meet the global challenges our earth is facing in the age of the Anthropocene: the rise of methodological cosmopolitanism as a new paradigm, the cosmopolitization of public understanding, and the venture towards cosmopolitan democracy conveyed by new epistemological, ontological and teleological authorities.
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