Paul Foley

Associate Professor

Office: FC 2018

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 709-639-2771

Dr. Paul Foley received a Ph.D. in Political Science from York University in 2011 after receiving an MA in International Development Studies from Dalhousie University in 2006 and a BA in History from Memorial University in 2005. His graduate training focused on international and comparative political economy, globalization, global environmental governance, and development. His recent research includes studies on transnational environmental certification and eco-labeling governance in fisheries and on the relationship between fisheries policy and community development in rural coastal regions of northern Newfoundland and southeastern Labrador. He is a past member of the board of the Environmental Studies Association of Canada (ESAC), current member of the board of Food First NL (formerly called the Food Security Network of Newfoundland and Labrador), and the People and the Sea Film Festival.


  • PhD, Political Science, York University (2012)
  • MA, International Development Studies, Dalhousie University (2006)
  • BA (Hons) (First Class), History, Memorial University (2005)

Research Interests

International and comparative political economy; political ecology; development and environmental change (e.g. fisheries); environmental politics and policy; market-oriented environmental policy and governance (e.g. eco-certification and eco-labeling); global environmental governance.


  • Co-Investigator, On the Move: Employment-related Geographic Mobility (E-RGM) in the Canadian Context
  • Principal Investigator, Shrimp Allocation Policies and Regional Development Under Conditions of Environmental Change: Insights for Aboriginal Groups in Northern Labrador
  • Principal Investigator, Political Geographies of Private Governance: Legitimacy and Effects in Fisheries Certification
  • Principal Investigator, Capturing Value: Enhancing Sustainable Seafood Strategies in Newfoundland and Labrador’s Inshore Fishing Industry


Examples of Recent Courses Taught:

  • Political Science 2600: Introduction to Public Policy and Administration
  • Political Science 4650: Public Policy in Resource Dependent Economies
  • Environmental Policy 6003: Environmental Political Thought
  • Environmental Policy 6052: Political Economy, Political Ecology and Policy

Supervised Students

Master of Arts (M.A.) in Environmental Policy


  • Juan Pablo Catellanos-Gonzales



  • Benjamin J. Dosu
  • Banjo B. Edu
  • Jannatul Islam
  • Meghan Faught
  • Ayotunde Omosule
  • Richard Oppong-Bosomah
  • Candice Ramalho
  • Elias Mahmud Dipu
  • Yaw Adom-Frempah
  • Abayomi Ogayemi
  • Abul Fozol Muhammod Zakaria

Selected Publications

  • Foley, P. (in press). A Coxian perspective on transnational business governance proliferation: counter-hegemonic movements in fisheries. In S. Wood, K.W. Abbott, E. Meidinger, B. Eberlein, & R. Schmidt (Eds.). Transnational Business Governance Interactions: Empowering Marginalized Actors and Enhancing Regulatory Quality. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  •  Foley, P. (forthcoming). Social-ecological reproduction and the substance of life in commodity frontiers: Newfoundland fisheries in world market shifts, Capital & Class, 43(4).
  • Foley, P., & Mather, C. (2019). Ocean grabbing, terraqueous territoriality and social development. Territory, Politics, Governance, 7(3): 297-315.
  • Carruthers, E., Parlee, C.E., Keenan, R., & Foley, P. (2019). Onshore benefits from fishing: tracking value from the northern shrimp fishery to communities in Newfoundland and Labrador. Marine Policy, 103, 130-137.
  • Stephenson, R., Wiber, M., Allain, M., Paul, S., Angel, E., Benson, A., Charles, T., Chouinard, O., Clemens, M., Edwards, D., Foley, P., Lane, D., McIsaac, J., Neis, B., Parlee, C., Pinkerton, E., Saunders, M., Squires, K., & Sumaila, R. (2019). Integrating diverse objectives for sustainable fisheries in Canada. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 76(3): 480-496.
  • Foley, P., Mather, C., Dawe, N., & Snook, J. (2018). Creative and constrained hybridizations in subarctic Inuit communities: communal fishery development in Nunatsiavut, Canada. In C.P Heidkamp & J. Morissey (Eds.). Towards Coastal Resilience and Sustainability. Routledge.
  • Foley, P., & Mather, C. (2018). Bringing seafood into food regime analysis: the global political economy of Newfoundland and Labrador fisheries. In C. Keske (Ed.). Food Futures: Growing a Sustainable Food System for Newfoundland and Labrador. John’s: ISER Books.
  • Foley, P., Okyere, D., & Mather, C. (2018). “Alternative environmentalities: recasting the assessment of Canada’s first MSC-certified fishery in social terms. Ecology & Society, 23(3): 37.
  • Epstein, G., Andrews, E., Brushett, R., Armitage, D., Foley, P., & Pittman, J. (2018). Human dimensions of eco-system-based management: Lessons in managing trade-offs from the northern shrimp fishery in Northern Peninsula, Newfoundland. Marine Policy, 97, 10-17.
  • Stephenson, R., Paul, S., Wiber, M., Allain, M., Angel, E., Benson, A., Charles, T., Clemens, M., Edwards, D., Foley, P., Jennings, L., Jones, O., Lane, D., McIsaac, J., Mussells, C., Neis, B., Nordstrom, B., Parlee, C., Pinkerton, E., Saunders, M., & Squires, K. (2018). Evaluating and implementing social-ecological systems: a comprehensive approach to sustainable fisheries. Fish and Fisheries, 19(5), 853-873.
  • Bennett, N., Kaplan-Hallam, M., Augustine, G., Ban, N., Belhabib, D., Brueckner-Irwin, I., Charles, T., Couture, J., Eger, S., Fanning, L., Foley, P., Goodfellow, A. M., Harper, S., Greba, L., Gregr, E., Hall, D., Maloney, B., McIsaac, J., Ou, W., Pinkerton, E., Porter, D., Satterfield, T., Sparrow, R., Stephenson, R., Stocks, A., Sumaila, R., Sutcliffe, T., & Bailey, M. (2018). Coastal and Indigenous community access to fisheries and the ocean: a policy challenge and imperative for Canada. Marine Policy, 87, 186-193.
  • Foley, P. (2017). The territorialization of transnational sustainability governance: production, power, and globalization in Iceland’s fisheries. Environmental Politics, 26(5), 915-937.
  • Fox, C., van Zyll de Jong, M., Hearn, B., Moores, L., Foley, P., & Harris, D. (2016). Perspectives on implementing certification on Crown forest: the case of Newfoundland and Labrador. Forestry Chronicle, 92(4), 503-511. (Open access)
  • Foley, P., & Havice, E. (2016). The rise of territorial eco-certification: new politics of transnational sustainability governance in the fisheries sector. Geoforum, 69, 24-33. (Open access)
  • Foley, P., & Mather, C. (2016). Making space for community use rights: insights from “community economies” in Newfoundland and Labrador. Society and Natural Resources, 29(8), 965-980. (Open Access)
  • Foley, P., Mather, C., & Neis, B. (2015). Governing enclosure for coastal communities: social embeddedness in a Canadian shrimp fishery. Marine Policy, 61, 390-400. (Open Access & Part of special issue, ‘Fishing Futures: Neoliberalism and the Alternatives for Small-Scale Fisheries in North America,’ edited by Evelyn Pinkerton and Reade Davis.)
  • Foley, P., & McCay, B. (2014). Certifying the commons: eco-certification, privatization and collective action. Ecology and Society, 19(2), 28. (Open access & part of special feature, ‘Rebuilding fisheries and threatened communities: the social-ecology of a particularly wicked problem,’ edited by Barbara Neis and Rosemary Ommer.)
  • Foley, P., & Hébert, K. (2013). Alternative regimes of transnational environmental certification: governance, marketization, and place in Alaska’s salmon fisheries. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 45(11), 2734-2751.
  • Foley, P. (2013). National government responses to Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) fisheries certification: insights from Atlantic Canada. New Political Economy, 18(2), 284-307.
  • Foley, P. (2012). The political economy of Marine Stewardship Council Certification: processors and access in Newfoundland and Labrador’s inshore shrimp industry. Journal of Agrarian Change, 12(2&3), 436-57. (Part of special double issue, ‘The Political Economy and Ecology of Capture Fisheries,’ edited by Liam Campling, Elizabeth Havice and Penny McCall Howard.)