Iron and Earth East ‘Renewable Energy Speaker Series Event’

March 2017, MAEP Students Win Create-A-Thon Awards
June 2, 2017
EPI Faculty and Students Participate in Inaugural Labrador Research Forum
June 6, 2017
March 2017, MAEP Students Win Create-A-Thon Awards
June 2, 2017
EPI Faculty and Students Participate in Inaugural Labrador Research Forum
June 6, 2017

Iron and Earth East, in collaboration with the Environmental Policy Institute [EPI], hosted a successful ‘Renewable Energy Speaker Series Event’ at Grenfell Campus on May 25th, 2017. The event featured speaker Nick Mercer, a previous graduate of EPI, who spoke to challenges and opportunities for wind energy development in Newfoundland and Labrador. The event attracted over 30 attendees – including representatives from government, academia, the private sector, not-for-profit organizations, and a number of students. A networking session continued afterwards at the Backlot, where approximately 15 people continued discussion and formed partnerships regarding sustainable development in the province.


Iron and Earth East is planning more ‘Speaker Series Events’ throughout the year and into 2018 on topics related to sustainable development in Newfoundland and Labrador (updates can be found here