Dr. Maura Hanrahan Presents At 40th Anniversary Conference
May 11, 2015Dr. Andreas Klinke Presented Global Risk Governance Research at International Conference
May 19, 2015
MAEP student, Ernest Nwanguma, attended the 2015 Oil Industry and the Environment Seminar organized by the Newfoundland and Labrador Environmental Industry Association (NEIA) at the Delta Hotel Conference Centre, St. John’s. The two day seminar (April 27-28, 2015), explored solutions to environmental challenges in Newfoundland and Labradors Oil & Gas Industry. NEIA is a non-profit association focusing on the growth and development of the green economy in Newfoundland and Labrador. In his opening speech, the Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, Hon. Paul Davis confirmed that, the oil and gas industry is an important contributor to the province’s economy, and thus an area of significant opportunity for environmental sector growth. He concluded that, with the right support, the green economy equally has very strong potentials for job creation in the province. Keynote speakers, Hon. Preston Manning, and Vice President of East Coast Suncor Energy, Brent Janke, emphasized that, aligning social benefits and environmental integrity with economic prosperity from oil and gas should be an imperative and constant practice for every oil and gas company. In total, the conference provided an opportunity for persons involved in all aspects of oil and gas, both nationally and internationally, to share information, insights, and experiences; showcase the innovative and effective solutions being applied in the region today; and to discover exciting research underway with pragmatic applicability potentials.
For the EPI, Ernest acted as an ambassador, promoting the institute and its objectives, while establishing some meaningful connections. He was able to initiate first discussions regarding internship possibilities for future EPI students. Some high profile industry experts in the oil and gas business also demonstrated interest in giving talks at the Grenfell Campus on different oil and gas related topics, especially fracking. The two day experience presented a very didactic forum for Ernest’s research and career development interest – Finding comprehensive ways to better incorporate the sustainability paradigm in the oil and gas sector. For more about the seminar, visit: http://www.neia.org/notes2015/