New Publications – Dr. Andreas Klinke

A message from Sylvester Kaonga an African Leaders of Tomorrow scholar from Zambia
April 10, 2018
Sustainability Report Card
April 10, 2018
A message from Sylvester Kaonga an African Leaders of Tomorrow scholar from Zambia
April 10, 2018
Sustainability Report Card
April 10, 2018

Dr. Andreas Klinke and Ortwin Renn have just published a new article entitled “Distributed Responsibility in Risk Governance’ in the book “Sustainable Risk Management”, edited by Peter A. Wilderer, Ortwin Renn, Martin Grambow, Michael Molls and Klaus Mainzer at Springer Publisher. The edited volume is the product of an expert workshop organized by the Bavarian Ministry of Environment in Germany. 

Klinke, A. and Renn O. 2018. Distributed Responsibility in Risk Governance. In: Peter A. Wilderer, Ortwin Renn, Martin Grambow, Michael Molls and Klaus Mainzer, eds. Sustainable Risk Management. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 19-31.