PhiLab Atlantic Hub – Inaugural Workshop held at Grenfell Campus

Aldrich Conference March 23-24, 2019
March 25, 2019
EPILab Launch
April 6, 2019
Aldrich Conference March 23-24, 2019
March 25, 2019
EPILab Launch
April 6, 2019

The inaugural workshop for the PhiLab Atlantic Hub, a research group based at Grenfell and hosted/supported by EPI was held at the Environmental Policy Institute March 28, 2019. PhiLab is the short name for Canadian Network of Partnership-Oriented Research on Philanthropy, a research network originating in Montreal with hubs across Canada. Its current major project (funded through SSHRC Partnership Grant) is entitled “Evaluation of the Role and Actions of Canadian Grantmaking Foundations in Response to Social Inequalities and Environmental Challenges”. The Atlantic Hub is just getting started, but is hoping to partner with several grant-making, grant-receiving, and other community organizations. The inaugural workshop brought together the involved researchers (4 from Grenfell, 2 from other Atlantic universities) and 3 representatives of possible partner organizations to start developing a work plan for the Hub.