Kelly Vodden

Nadia Simmons
October 31, 2013
Gabriela Sabau
November 10, 2013
Nadia Simmons
October 31, 2013
Gabriela Sabau
November 10, 2013

Dr. Kelly Vodden is an Associate Professor (Research), Environmental Studies, Grenfell Campus and Department of Geography, St. John’s Campus Memorial University. Dr. Vodden has been actively involved in community and regional development research, policy and practice in Canadian rural communities since 1995. Her research examines community involvement in multi-level, collaborative natural resource governance and adaptation to environmental change, corporate-community relations and creating sustainable local economies.

Recent projects led by Dr. Vodden include the SSHRC-funded multi-province study Canadian regional development: a critical review of theory, practice and potentials (2010-2015) as well as the study Seeking innovative policy and governance solutions for sustainable drinking water systems in rural and small town Newfoundland and Labrador (2013-2015).

  • HBA, University of Western Ontario
  • MA, Simon Fraser University
  • PhD, Simon Fraser University
Research Interests

Sustainable rural community and regional development, rural resilience, community involvement in resource management, collaborative, multi-level governance, community adaptation, complex adaptive social-ecological systems, innovation, green economies and community-corporate relations.


Please see – see Current and Completed Projects for descriptions.


Examples of Recent Courses Taught:

  • Environmental Policy 6002: Research Design and Methods
  • Environmental Policy 6003: Environmental Political Thought
  • Environmental Policy 6520: Planning and Policy for Sustainable Communities and Regions
Supervised Students

Master of Arts (M.A.) in Environmental Policy




Master of Arts (M.A.) in Geography




Master of Arts (M.A.) in Island Studies (University of Prince Edward Island)


Honours thesis – Geography



PhD – Geography




PhD – Interdisciplinary


PhD – Sociology


Selected Publications

Irvine, M., R. Keenan, and K. Vodden, Developing Assessment and Adaptation Capacity. In K. Hallstrom, M. A. Beckie, G. T. Hvenegaard, & K. Mündel (Eds.). Sustainability Planning and Collaboration in Rural Canada: Taking the Next Steps. Chapter 6 (pp. 117-144). University of Alberta Press.


Vodden, K., R. Lane, and C. Pollett. Seeking Sustainability through Self-assessment and Regional Cooperation in Newfoundland and Labrador In K. Hallstrom, M. A. Beckie, G. T. Hvenegaard, & K. Mündel (Eds.).  Sustainability Planning and Collaboration in Rural Canada: Taking the Next Steps.  Chapter 14 (pp. 321-346). University of Alberta Press.


Vodden, K., Hunt, L., and R. Bell. (2016) Evolving Conceptions of the Social Economy: The Arts, Culture, and Tourism in Alert Bay In M. Gismondi, S. Connelly, M. Beckie, S.  Markey & M. Roseland (Eds.), Scaling Up: The Convergence of Social Economy and Sustainability. Chapter 6, (pp. 147-168), Athabasca University Press.


Hall, H. M., Vodden, K., & Greenwood, R. (2016). From dysfunctional to destitute: The governance of regional economic development in newfoundland and labrador. International Planning Studies, , 1-19. doi:10.1080/13563475.2016.1167585


Breen, S., J. Daniels, S. Markey and K. Vodden. In Press (forthcoming September 2015) Place-Based Development in Rural Regions. In Vodden, K., G. Baldacchino and R. Gibson (Eds.) Place Peripheral: The Promise and Challenge of Place-Based Development in Rural and Remote Regions (Chapter 13, pp. 283-309). St. John’s: ISER Publications.


Daniels, J., K. Vodden and G. Baldacchino. In Press (forthcoming September 2015) Matters of Place: the Making of Place and Identity. In Vodden, K., G. Baldacchino and R. Gibson (Eds.) Place Peripheral: The Promise and Challenge of Place-Based Development in Rural and Remote Regions (Chapter 2, pp. 23-40). St. John’s: ISER Publications.


Irvine, M., K. Vodden and R. Keenan. In Press (forthcoming October 2015) Developing Assessment and Adaptation Capacity: Integrating Climate Change Considerations into Municipal Planning in Newfoundland and Labrador. In L. Hallstrom, M. Beckie, G. Hvenegaard, and K. Mündel (Eds.), Sustainability Planning and Collaboration in Rural Canada: Taking the Next Steps (Chapter 6). Edmonton: University of Alberta Press.


Markey, S., S. Breen, K. Vodden, J. Daniels. In Press. Evidence of Place: Becoming a Region in Rural Canada. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research.


Smith, D., K. Vodden, M. Woodrow. In Press. A boat perspective: Local geographic knowledge of fish harvesters of Change Islands, Newfoundland. Journal of Cultural Geography.


Vodden, K., G. Baldacchino and R. Gibson (Eds.) In Press (forthcoming Sept. 2015). Place Peripheral: The Promise and Challenge of Place-Based Development in Rural and Remote Regions. St. John’s, NL: ISER Publications.


Vodden, K., R. Lane and C. Pollett. In Press (forthcoming October 2015). Seeking Sustainability through Self-Assessment and Regional Cooperation in Newfoundland and Labrador. In L. Hallstrom, M. Beckie, G. Hvenegaard, and K. Mündel (Eds.), Sustainability Planning and Collaboration in Rural Canada: Taking the Next Steps (Chapter 14). Edmonton: University of Alberta Press.


Vodden, K., L. Hunt and R. Bell. In Press (forthcoming July 2015). Tourism and the Arts: Arts, Culture and First Nations-led Tourism Development, Broadening Conceptions of the Social Economy. In Gismondi, M., S. Markey, M. Beckie, S. Connelly and M. Roseland (Eds.) Scaling Up: The Convergence of Social Economy and Sustainability (Chapter 6). Edmonton: Athabasca University Press.


Barrett, J., S. Minnes and K. Vodden. 2015. Exploring Solutions for Sustainable Rural Drinking Water Systems. Plan Canada, Spring 55(1), 32-37.


Vodden, K. 2015 (online 2014). The Promise and Challenge of Collaborative Governance on Canada’s Coasts. Canadian Geographer. 59(2), 167-180.


Smith, D., K. Vodden, M. Woodrow, B. Furst, A. Khan. 2014 (online 2013). The Last Generation? Perspectives of Inshore Fish Harvesters in Change Islands, Newfoundland. Canadian Geographer. 58(1), 95-109.


Vodden, K., Gibson, R. and Porter, M. 2014. A Brighter Future for Whom? Rural and regional development in the Williams era. In Marland, A. and M. Kerby (Eds.), First Among Unequals: The Premier, Politics and Policy in Newfoundland and Labrador (Chapter 11, pp. 213-230), Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press.


Coffey, B. and K. Vodden. 2012. The Politics of Coastal Policy, Planning and Governance in Canada and Australia: Collaborative, at a distance, or business as usual? Australasian Canadian Studies, 30(1), 65-94.


McLeman, R., M. Brklacich, M. Woodrow, K. Vodden, P. Gallaugher and R. Sander-Regier. 2011. Opportunities and Barriers for Adaptation in Canadian Rural and Resource-based Communities. In J. Ford & L. Berrang-Ford (Eds.), Climate Change Adaptation in Developed Nations: From theory to practice (Chapter 33). New York: Springer.


Vodden, K. Heroes, Hope and Resource Development. 2009. In G. Halseth, S. Markey and D. Bruce (Eds.), The Next Rural Economies: Constructing Rural Place in a Global Economy (Chapter 17, pp. 223-238). Oxfordshire, UK: CABI, International.


Vodden, K. Experiments in Collaborative Governance on Canada’s Coasts: Challenges and Opportunities in Governance Capacity. 2009. In L. Felt, R. Greenwood and G. Baldacchino (Eds.), Remote Control: Lessons in Governance from Small Places (Chapter 13, pp. 259-279). St. John’s, NL: Institute of Social and Economic Research.

External Links

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