Maura Hanrahan
December 18, 2013
Kelicia Letlow-Peroune
January 9, 2014Dr. Mike van Zyll de Jong is an applied ecologist that collaborates across disciplines to develop, synthesize, and communicate robust, relevant science that can inform policy and management. Major themes of this work include; Understanding the ways human impact species, habitats, and ecosystems; and, developing ways to integrate knowledge to support environmental decision-making and policy development. Mike’s research has been focused at informing ecosystem based management approaches in use of freshwater ecosystems.
- BSc, Environmental Biology, University of Toronto
- MSc, Fisheries, University of Hull, Hull International Fisheries Institute
- PhD, Fisheries, University of Hull, Hull International Fisheries Institute
- Fisheries Management and Ecology
- Ecosystem Based Approaches to Natural Resource Management
- Integrative Research at the Science Policy Interface
• River restoration planning and analysis tool
• Integrated knowledge platform to assess the multi functional demands on ecosystems and quantify risk
• Assessment of climate change vulnerability and adaptation in boreal ecosystems
• Assessing cumulative environmental effects on large tropical river ecosystems.
• Chelsea Fleming – Masters Watershed Management
• Rebecca Brushett – Masters Protected Areas Planning
• Jeana Macleod – Masters Forest Management
• Rutta Evodius – Masters Forest Management
• Liqui Zhange – Masters Freshwater Ecosystems
• Dinah Okyere – Masters Forest Management
• Doug Piercey – PhD Geodesign University of Hull
• Myron King – PhD Fisheries University of Hull
• Natalie Angelopolous – Post Doctoral Fellow River Restoration University of Hull
van Zyll de Jong, M., & Cowx, I. G. (2016). Long-term response of salmonid populations to habitat restoration in a boreal forest stream. Ecological Engineering, 91, 148-157. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2016.02.029
Sabau, G., & M. van Zyll de Jong (2014). From unjust uneconomic growth to sustainable fisheries in Newfoundland: The true costs of closing the inshore fishery for groundfish. Marine Policy http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0308597X14003133
Eddy, B. G., B. Hearn, J. E. Luther, M. Van Zyll de Jong, W. Bowers, R. Parsons, D. Piercey, G. Strickland and B. Wheeler (2014) An information ecology approach to science policy integration in adaptive management of social-ecological systems. Ecology and Society 19 (3): 40
van Zyll de Jong, M., Adams, B., Cote, D., & Cowx, I. (2017). The effects of population density and lake characteristics on growth and size structure of brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill, 1815) in boreal forest lakes in Canada. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 33(5), 957-965.
Miller, L., Eddy, B., & van Zyll de Jong, M.C. (2017) Assessing climate change vulnerability in the boreal forest. International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses. 9 (2),.23-42.