- Office: AS393
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: 709-637-6214
Assistant Professor, Environmental Studies, School of Science and the Environment
Tchoukaleyska, R. (2016) ‘Public space and migrant memories: erasing diversity through urban redevelopment in France’, Social & Cultural Geography.
Tchoukaleyska, R. (2015) ‘Illicit mint and unregulated vendors: constructing illegality in French public spaces’, Area 47(1):81-87.
Tchoukaleyska, R. (2014) ‘Outdoor food markets as community spaces in France’. Geography 99(2):99-103.
Tchoukaleyska, R. (2013) ‘Regulating the farmers’ market: paysan expertise, quality production and local food’. Geoforum, 45:211-218.
Tchoukaleyska, R. (2011) ‘Co-housing childhoods: parents’ mediation of urban risk through participation in intentional communities’. The Journal of Children’s Geographies, 9(2): 235-246.
Tchoukaleyska, R. (2010) ‘Gecontesteerde etnishce markten in Montpellier (contested ethnic markets in Montpellier)’. AGORA: Magazine Voor Sociaalruimtelijke Vraagstukken, 26(2): 233-36.