Seth Eledi

Stephen Holisko
July 8, 2015
Leanna Butters
November 17, 2015
Stephen Holisko
July 8, 2015
Leanna Butters
November 17, 2015

Seth is from Ghana, West Africa. He obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and History in 2009 from the University of Ghana and Master of Business Administration degree (Project Management option) in 2013, from Wisconsin International University College, Ghana an affiliate of the University of Ghana.

Seth has a total of five years administrative, managerial, project management and community development work experience in both public and private sector organizations in Ghana.  He is interested in community based research with focus on sustainable rural and community development, and community involvement in resource management.

Seth is looking at how to get community buy-in and participation in environmental stewardship and development projects (and to design projects in such a way that the likelihood of this buy-in and involvement will be increased) for his Masters research.