EPI Researchers attend the CAG Conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia
July 4, 2016
Dr. Andreas Klinke presents research on Multilevel Governance at an International Conference
July 19, 2016Dr. Kelly Vodden (Associate Professor) and Dr. Maura Hanrahan (Grenfell’s Humanities Program Chair) of EPI have recently published in (S. Markey, Laura Ryser, and Don Manson) It’s a People Process: Doing Community-Based Research by McGill Queen’s University Press. Dr. Kelly Vodden’s contributions in the book were titled:
“Research Relationships that Last” and “Community-Based Research in the Classroom”.
Dr. Kelly Vodden has also released this year three co-authored chapters in two edited volumes and two journal articles:
Irvine, M., K. Vodden and R. Keenan. Developing Assessment and Adaptation Capacity: Integrating Climate Change Considerations into Municipal Planning in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Vodden, K., R. Lane and C. Pollett. Seeking Sustainability through Self-Assessment and Regional Cooperation in Newfoundland and Labrador.
In Sustainability Planning and Collaboration in Rural Canada: Taking the Next Steps. L. Hallstrom, M. Beckie, G. Hvenegaard, and K. Mündel (Eds.) The University of Alberta Press with two co-authored chapters:
Vodden, K., L. Hunt and R. Bell. Tourism and the Arts: Arts, Culture and First Nations-led Tourism Development, Broadening Conceptions of the Social Economy. In Roseland, M., M. Gismondi, S. Markey, M. Beckie and S. Connelly (Eds.) Scaling Up: The convergence of social economy and sustainability. Athabasca University Press.
Along with:
Hall, H., K. Vodden, and R. Greenwood. From Dysfunctional to Destitute: The Governance of Regional Development in Newfoundland and Labrador. International Planning Studies was published online April 2016.
Lastly and fresh off the press (July 14th 2016):
Hall, H., J. Walsh, R. Greenwood and K. Vodden. Advancing Innovation in Newfoundland and Labrador: Insights for Knowledge Mobilization and University-Community Engagement. Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship. 9(1). Available at: