
  • Policy and Science Orientation Workshop

    This workshop is held the first week of September each year. Its intent is to provide students with a limited policy or biophysical background with conceptual tools to frame each discipline in order to orient students to the program. The workshop is team-taught and is three full days in length.

  • Pre-Internship Workshop

    This two day workshop reviews the internship requirements, aids students in writing resumes and cover letters, discusses interviewing practices and examines student/employer relationships. It is held during the first week after classes end in December of each year.


  • Required Component

    All students are required to complete an Environmental Policy Internship (ENVP 6030) with a relevant government office, non-governmental organization, community group or business. Internships are normally selected from a list of approved organizations that is maintained by the Internship Officer and Graduate Program Coordinator. Internship placements may be outside the Corner Brook area and possibly outside Newfoundland and Labrador.

    Part-time MAEP students who are working in the environmental policy field may be assigned a special project by their employer for their Internship. A full-time student who is on a leave of absence from their current employment cannot return to their original job to complete their Internship. If they return to their previous employer to complete their Internship, they must have a special project, etc. that is deemed acceptable by the Internship Officer. Final decisions for internship placements rest with the Graduate Program Coordinator in consultation with the Internship Officer.

  • Course Timing

    Internships are usually completed in the Spring semester of each year.

  • Full-Time and Part-Time Durations

    Internships are for full-time employment hours for the duration of the semester (12 weeks). Part-time internships over longer periods may be considered and will require approval from the Internship Officer and the Graduate Program Coordinator.

  • Internship Competitions

    A competition for internships is organized by the Internship Officer. By entering the competition, students give permission for the Internship Officer to supply their university transcripts to potential employers. Students who do not wish to accept an internship arranged by the Internship Officer shall be responsible for finding an alternative acceptable to the Internship Officer in consultation with the Graduate Program Coordinator.

  • Required Meetings

    Students must attend scheduled pre-internship orientation workshop, professional development and exit meetings.

  • Supervision

    Each Internship placement is supervised and evaluated by the Internship Officer, the on-site Supervisor assigned by the employer and the Graduate Program Coordinator. The internship shall consist of two components:

    1. On-Site Student Performance as evaluated by the Internship officer in consultation with the on-site Supervisor assigned by the employer.
    2. An Internship Report graded by the Internship Officer or the Graduate Program Coordinator in consultation with the on-site Supervisor assigned by the employer.
  • Evaluation

    Evaluation of the Internship shall result in one of the following final grades:

    1. Pass, or
    2. Fail

    A student must obtain a Pass in both the On-Site Student Performance and the Internship Report to obtain a final grade of Pass. If a student fails to achieve the internship standards specified above, the student may be required to withdraw from the program. Such a student may reapply to the program after a lapse of two semesters, at which time the student will be required to complete a further internship with satisfactory performance before being admitted to any further academic term in the Faculty. An internship may only be repeated once.

  • Internship Withdrawal

    Students who voluntarily withdraw from the internship without prior approval from the Internship Officer and the Graduate Program Coordinator, or who conduct themselves in such a manner as to cause the host organization and the Internship Officer to terminate the placement, will normally be awarded a grade of FAIL in the internship.

  • Course Withdrawal

    Students are not permitted to drop internships without prior approval of the Internship Officer in consultation with the Graduate Program Coordinator. The Internship Officer will make a recommendation to the Graduate Program Coordinator who will make the final decision. Students who drop an internship without permission, who fail to honour an agreement to work with a host organization, or who conduct themselves in such a manner as to cause their discharge from the internship position will normally be awarded a failed grade for the internship. Permission to drop an internship does not constitute a waiver of degree requirements, and students who have obtained such permission must complete an approved internship in lieu of the one dropped.