Dr. Kelly Vodden co-edits in The Extractive Industries and Society An International Journal
August 31, 2016
Conference on the Biological, Social, Economic and Cultural Implications of Oil and Gas Exploration in the Gulf of St. Lawrence held at Memorial University
November 2, 2016Master of Arts in Environmental Policy graduate student, Ayoola Odeyemi, receives a position with the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) as a Research Assistant. Although Ayoola was sad to leave Newfoundland, he is happily settling in his new home of Waterloo, Ontario where he enjoys being able to walk to work everyday. He is currently conducting research in areas like the impacts of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People (UNDRIP), The Paris Agreement and The Nagoya Protocol. He also wishes to extend a special thanks to his EPI family, who will miss his big hugs and positive outlook.