Dr. Andreas Klinke presents research on Multilevel Governance at an International Conference

Recent publications by Dr. Kelly Vodden and Dr. Maura Hanrahan
July 19, 2016
Dr. Andreas Klinke has published in the new ‘Handbook of Theories of Governance’
August 8, 2016
Recent publications by Dr. Kelly Vodden and Dr. Maura Hanrahan
July 19, 2016
Dr. Andreas Klinke has published in the new ‘Handbook of Theories of Governance’
August 8, 2016

In July, Dr. Andreas Klinke (EPI Associate Professor and Director) presented his new research at the Interpretive Policy Analysis 11th International Conference held in Hull, United Kingdom. His research paper has also been accepted for publication in ‘Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research’ in a special issue on ‘Energy, Society & Culture’. His paper is entitled:

“Dynamic Multilevel Governance for Sustainable Transformation as Postnational Configuration”.