Dr. Klinke joins the IASS as Affiliate Scholar

Dr. Klinke published new article on risk governance
August 27, 2019
Election Candidates Debate on the Environment
September 27, 2019
Dr. Klinke published new article on risk governance
August 27, 2019
Election Candidates Debate on the Environment
September 27, 2019

Dr. Andreas Klinke has been invited to join the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) as Affiliate Scholar. The IASS is located in Postdam, Germany. The institute has the task of supporting transformations towards sustainability through its research activities. On the one hand, it generates knowledge on the prerequisites for a sustainable way of life that informs political decision-making (expertise). On the other, it identifies factors that are crucial to the success of political processes aimed at achieving a sustainable society (process knowledge). To join the IASS opens up opportunities for research collaborations on sustainability issues and questions.