Dr. Kelly Vodden co-edits in The Extractive Industries and Society An International Journal

A Special Section of The Extractive Industries and Society journal co-edited by Heather Hall (University of Waterloo) and EPI researcher Kelly Vodden has been​ released (Vol. 3, Issue 3, July 2016). The section focuses on the implications for rural regions of a trend towards long distance commuting in mining, oil and gas industries and emerging findings from the On the Move Partnership, in which EPI’s Kelly Vodden and Paul Foley are co-investigators.

The issue includes an introductory article by Vodden and Hall on the topic (download the article at http://authors.elsevier.com/a/1TcYr,oMyQ5u5F). ​

Access the full issue at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/2214790X/3/3. ​


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