Coastal and Indigenous community access to marine resources and the ocean: A policy imperative for Canada
November 9, 2017
Fly-in/Fly-out Commuting in Deer Lake Findings from the research project: Identifying the Built Space Impacts of Fly-in/Fly out Employment-Related Geographical Mobility in Deer Lake, NL By: Leanna Butters
January 31, 2018Dr. Mark Stoddart beginning a focus group, Oct 2017
EPI researchers had the opportunity to assist with data collection for the Harris Centre-funded research project “Regional Tourism Networks and Social-Environmental Wellbeing in Rural Coastal Communities” in October 2017.
Led by Dr. Mark Stoddart (Department of Sociology, MUN), Gary Catano (Department of Sociology, MUN), Dr. Howard Ramos (Department of Sociology & Social Anthropology, Dalhousie) and Dr. Kelly Vodden (Environmental Policy Institute, MUN), the project sought to identify tourism operators’ perceptions of the tourism industry. It is hoped that this research will provide a better understanding of what factors facilitate or act as barriers to regional tourism and network-building in NL.
Building on results from an online survey of tourism operators conducted in the Bonne Bay, Burin Peninsula, Labrador Straits, and Northern Peninsula regions, EPI researchers Brennan Lowery (ID PhD) and Leanna Butters (MAEP) assisted Dr. Stoddart and Dr. Vodden with a series of follow-up focus groups with operators and stakeholders in each of the above regions.
The results of this study have been compiled into a report: Stoddart, Mark C.J., Gary Catano, Howard Ramos, Kelly Vodden, Brennan Lowery, and Leanna Butters (2017). Regional Tourism Networks and Social-Environmental Wellbeing in Rural Coastal Communities. Research report prepared for the Harris Centre (Memorial University).
The report is available here: https://www.academia.edu/35069280/Regional_Tourism_Networks_and_Social-Environmental_Wellbeing_in_Rural_Coastal_Communities_Project_Report_October_2017