A group of Masters Students from the Environmental Policy Institute are striving to promote holistic sustainable development through international academic cooperation. The World Wide Holistic Sustainable […]
Building on EPI water research and engagement activities, research assistants Belizario Carballo and Lindey Touzel discussed source water protection measures and watershed dynamics with over 100 local students at […]
Dr. Maura Hanrahan has a review of the new memoir by Inuit elder Louis Montague in the current issue of Newfoundland and Labrador Studies. Montague’s book […]
On Friday, April 3, 2015, Dr. Paul Foley joined an interdisciplinary and international group of scholars and practitioners at Yale University to discuss challenges and opportunities facing […]
Students from the Environmental Policy Institute excelled in St. John’s while participating in the Aldrich Interdisciplinary Conference 2015, hosted by Memorial University and the Graduate Student […]
Dr. Andreas Klinke has presented his research on risk governance entitled “Expertise and Experience: Differentiated Deliberation in Post-Normal Risk Governance” at the international conference “Risk, Uncertainty […]
Dr. Maura Hanrahan has been awarded a $15,000 grant from the Harris Centre/RBC Water Research and Outreach Fund. Dr. Hanrahan will be working with MAEP student […]